More Cards for Mother's Day
Quote for the Day: I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life. Abraham Lincoln |
Friendship Friday
Many, many blessings, prayers and good wishes for all Mothers! You are saints and blesseds! Your reward in heaven will be great!
Okay here it is. My true measure of friendship for you. I am going to share the recording of my interview on the Florida Country radio station. Other than the fact that my voice sounds a bit thin because I was like uh.. you know, nervous... it's not too bad.
Of course it didn't hurt that Roger and Tom edited it pretty nicely!
Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
Today's JoyNotes
Our book on Reconciliation Our Workbook for Confession
Excellent radio interview! I didn't
want it to end! Why not tell us more about how you became a Nun? Also, please tell us more about how you got
over the death of your brother.
I know this is supposed to be about your radio interview, but I just want you to know how much I enjoy your
"Quote for Today" in Joy Notes.
Keep up the good work!!! And, thanks!
THANKS for sharing your radio interview :^) ... I'm sure it will have a positive impact on some of the listeners in FL. Keep up all your good work ! It's a JOY to read your notes every morning before I get my workday started. ~ m/vt
Thoroughly enjoyed your radio interview. Heard it here in Scotland UK through the link you gave.
God Bless
Bernadette Malley
I'm new to Joy Notes and I must concur- this interview was lovely! I rec'd some great wisdom from you today on how to handle the grief I have been suffering through over the loss of my father, like if I start being happy again, then it's a disrespect towards him... but no, he wants me to be happy and to know that he is in heaven now...
Thank you so much for this interview and thanks to God for drawing me here!
God bless you, Sister!
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