Thursday, March 22, 2007

Friendship Friday - Millions of Friends

To send this card: Lent Card

Quote for the Day:

"A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked."
-- Bernard Meltzer

Friendship Friday!

Gosh, I started to think about who I would write about on this Friendship Friday and you know what? I got stumped because at the moment I feel like I have lots of friends. More than I ever dreamed I would have.

First I have the sisters I live with. They are my first and best friends. We laugh, talk, share, giggle, and frown, roll our eyes, get annoyed and get over it. We are really a wonderful community.. we may not be big but we are beautiful! How's that for friendship?

Then of course I have so many friends who read these Joynotes and I think of each of you as my friends as well. Friends are people who share good times and bad and that is what I seem to do day after day with you. Although I am the world's worst when it comes to answering email I do think of each of you as a special gift of God and am grateful we can share with each other.

Won't heaven be wonderful when we can have millions and millions of friends and know each one and love each one uniquely - with no competition or worries if we measure up.. just appreciating each other for being who we are.

On Saturday we begin our retreat - I hope it will be very blessed and that I spend lots of time doing what I should.. and that is listening to God's voice. That's where our first friendship needs to be!

Thank you for your prayers and support - I will be asking God to bless you in a special way each and every day. Back on April 2nd!

Blessings of Peace and Joy,
Sister Patricia

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Anonymous said...

Dear Sister Pat,
My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your community during your retreat. Thank you for "Joy Notes". I look forward to reading them each day. Christ's peace. Diana

Anonymous said...

Dear Patricia,
It's wonderful to share the gift of you daily comitment through these Joy Notes.
God will be with you in your retreat.

Anonymous said...

May your retreat help you to not retreat from God's wisdom and blessings and re-treat yourself to God's love and forgiveness.

Anonymous said...

Friendship Friday,

you know i look forward to the Joy Notes everyday. I hope when you come out of the retreat you will continue with the theme days!Friends are one of the greatest miracles, they sometimes are our special angels. Even when we cant see them. That's what you have become for people like me, a friend one can share with, talk with, laugh with. Have a great time, i do hope you will Levitate!!!


Anonymous said...

Dear Sister Patricia & ALL the Sisters ~ May your Lenten Retreat be all you need & want it to be. THANKS for the daily Joy that you send our way! ~ Maryann

Anonymous said...

Dear Sr. Pat,

May the Good Shepard lead you on your retreat to the waters of refreshment for your soul. i'll keep you and the other sisters in my weeks prayers. God bless. Connie A

Anonymous said...

Yes, Sister, I often think of you as a special daily friend-I will miss you when you are on retreat...we just finished our parish retreat Wed.about Salvation-very cool spin onit!well, enjoy, be spirit-filled!!! Love, Paulette SFO

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Have a Blessed Retreat, thanks for all the prayers.....
Bmc from Illinois

Anonymous said...

Dear Sr Patricia,

I just want tell you how I have enjoyed this cite. I thank you for the little stories that make my day. I wish you a successful retreat and beg you to pray for me.
God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Sister Patricia!
Re: Thursdays as days of thankfullness:
Each day I say a Glory Be in thanksgiving for each of the following :

For creation, beauty of life, my life, for organ and blood donors.

For The Blessed Trinity, Our Blessed Mother,St. Joseph, all the angels, saints and my guardian angel and patron saint.

For the gift of Jesus in Word, Sacrament and one another.

For Jesus' birth, life, passion, death, resurrection, ascension, and return in glory.

For my Catholic faith and all those who have nourished it through the years.

For the gift of my vocation in life and for all the people I have touched and for those who have touched me.

For the gift of healing.

For my ancestors, grandparents, godparents, parents, sibilings, friends, relatives, the faithful departed, former teachers, students,classmates, and people I have lived and worked with.

For those who give of themselves in the military, paramedics, police and fire personnel, doctors and nurses and all who build up the Kingdom of God here and now.

For all my giftedness and blessings.

May the Lord continue to bless the work of our hands, minds and hearts.

tina said...

hello sisters. i love your joy notes. they are wonderful. i send to all my friends. God bless you on your retreat. this is a wonderful time lent. i sing in my church choir we are ready for palm sunday singing and also for easter. I love to sing another way of praying to God. you are all in my prayers. God bless all of you sisters. thank you sister pat. tina

Anonymous said...

Dear Sister Pat,
Thank you for the spark of daily humor and joy that you bring to my life. May the Lord richly bless you as you retreat into his waiting arms. May your stillness create much new life for the Joy Notes you will share. Never doubt the gift he has given you.
The Friendship Friday theme made me think of my Auntie and how I talk to her when I use her old "Red Head" dust mop. She died in June of 2005. But we are still close. I need to ask her to pray for my families' special needs including a kidney donor for my husband. In the peace of the risen Lord. Barbara

Anonymous said...

Dear Sister Pat,
Thank you for all your interesting thoughts & prayers! My prayers are with you too as you finish up your retreat. For Friendship Friday I think of my Dad. He died when I was 19 & am 61 now so he's been working hard for me for many years. I am handicapped from birth so any time I needed a little extra help with things all I had to do was ask him. Sometimes when opening a jar & it proved difficult all I'd say is, "Dad help me here"...the jar then turned without much effort! I could just feel him. Another help was when my garage door would not close [automatic] & I knew I could not leave with it up! Again I'd say, "Dad help me here"...then I'd hit the button one more time & down it would come! I could fill a book on his help to me time after time! Dad was always very faithful in his daily prayers too. The whole family [all 9 of us] evenings would kneel in our dining room to say the rosary. My mom is still alive at 97 & she often says,"I almost didn't get thru the rosary last evening but Dad got after me".
Blessings to all who read this!

Anonymous said...

Dear Sister Pat,

My best friend I ever had in my family was my older sister, Joyce. She was almost 18 years older and we never had much in common until I grew older, married and had children. We did everything together. We talked, went on trips together, visited local attractions, did our Christmas shopping together and had our special Christmas lunch at a great restaurant downtown. She was like a grandmother to my girls, as both my parents and my husband's had passed away. She was fun and my friend, my pal, my counselor, and a sister who knew me inside and out and understood all my weaknesses and my strengths.
How very blessed I was to have my sister, Joyce.

Unknown said...

Dear Sr.PAtricia
Thanks for the wonderful job ur doing for the spread of the Gospel
Saviola's email address has it's
please send joynotes at the new id.coas i've missed them since 15th march