Quote for the Day: Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. Dale Carnegie |
Prayer for 16th Day of Our Lenten Journey
How often Jesus,
do I try to make things
so much more difficult
than they need to be.
For instance,
it is not hard
to find you . . .
all I really need to do
is slow down and look
at a Sunset
or a bird fly
or feel the wind blow.
All of your creation
speaks of you,
You who live and reign
with the Holy Spirit,
one God,
for ever and ever.
Today was a very difficult day.. and I think the above prayer is another great fit! I definitely felt the difficulty was all coming from the inside but I still couldn't seem to plow through it. Puff, puff, puff.
But hey, other than that little problem, I do have something else to ask your opinion on. I am going to start a new radio program soon... and I would like your feedback as to what you think about the title.
The Joy of Being Catholic
Myself, I like it because I can interview all sorts of people with a title like that. When my program was called, "The Power of Prayer" I always felt it wasn't staying focused on the "prayer" aspect a lot of the times... and really so much of our prayer life (at least mine) is the kind of daily, step by step stuff that doesn't come across all that exciting. It's nice and it keeps me going but how does one describe it week after week?
Anyway with this program I can cover anything from a nice Catholic prayer, a saint, a poem, any catholic in any walk of life doing big things or little and enjoying being catholic through it all. I can include Catholic music, whatever.
I plan to also put it out each week as an audio download so you can hear it as well if you like. If you have any suggestions what would be great for this new and exciting radio program please add a comment in the BLOG!
Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
Our book on Reconciliation Our Workbook for Confession
Anything with Joy is perfect for you. It all ties together.........
Your selection for the title is very uplifting. Our faith in God and in our church needs to be celebrated.
Hi there Sr. Pat...
I think that the the title you have chosen for your radio program is just great! "The Joy Of Being Catholic"..how beautiful!! Go with it Sister,by all means!
God bless you,& may He guide you in all your endeavors!
Best wishes,
Diane Comishen
Terrific choice....And JOY is contagious!
Perfect. As a wannabe Catholic (waiting for an annulment...), I am unceasingly astonished at the comfort and joy that Holy Mother Church brings. Having access to Our Blessed Mother, Papa Joseph, all the angels and saints, and to top it off, Our Lord Hmself, wow, how lucky are we?! You'll have a joyful, uyplifting topic to last forever! Well done!
Excellent...Most of us originally didn't choose to be Catholic,our parents chose for us, but something kept us in the faith.Maybe it IS the joy we get from it.And it is about time we promoted the good side.The audio download is also a great idea.I'm looking forward to it.Thanks for doing what you do..
Good Morning Sister, I am not sure of the thrust of the program. Is it for Catholics talking to other Catholics or do you want to inpire inquirers? If the first then it is a great selection, but I think if you want to draw those that might want to become Catholic you have to open it to a deeper hunger, not just Gosh it's great to be Catholic. i.e. Why Do I Want Be Catholic? or What's So Great About Being Catholic?
The Joy of Being Catholic - what a wonderful title!
Your chosen title for your new radio program is inspiring and would draw me to listen. It will also open areas of discussion which are inexhaustible because our faith is so rich and gives us so much to celebrate. The possibilities are endless. Also, it's so needed. It will truly be a work of joy! God bless you all.
Sister, In regard to your radio name it is directed only to us devout Catholc's. I believe that your mission should be to the people who have no faith so that in the end Our God will tell us, well done, good and faithful servent. It is the mission of every Catholic to go into the world and set the example of how our faith will bring us salvation including the people who do not believe. These are the people you want to direct when they call your radio station.
GOD BLESS YOU in your future mission.
"The Joy of being Catholic" is excellent, but nothing is wrong with "Power of Prayer" - that is a very powerful statment - the healings, answer to our prayers etc. are all obtained through the "Power of Prayer" - I can certainly witness to this
I love the suggested name of your new radio program, "The Joy of Being Catholic". It echoes my feelings and I am sure the majority of Catholics in the world. Go for it, Sr. Pat! God Bless. Ü
Great idea! The way we can spread the love of the Lord is by making it attractive, joyful, a source of light and strength for the difficult days of every life.
Wouldn't it be better to call it "The Joy of Being a Christian"?
I love the idea. It sounds really attracting and it makes me feel so proud to be Catholic.
The title seems very good to me. Please pray for our 19 year old grandson who seriously injured his spinal cord and is paralyzed from the upper chest down. Dale Carnegie's quote today was sure the perfect one for our family at this very difficult time.
I guess this will sound repititious after reading all the other comments,I agree that your programme title is perfect,tying in all your other projects together. Keep up the good work Sister Patricia. I remain in union of prayer with you. BEING CATHOLIC IS A JOY! Diane G
Maybe something like "The Joy of living our Catholic Faith" would communicate better what you are wanting to do. Yes we need to "be" but we also need to "do" and often we aren't sure what the "do" part involves. As a convert to the Catholic faith I am constantly learning the "do" part and how to apply it in my lay missionary life. Can't wait to catch it by computer if I can figure out how to do that :-) Your updates are wonderful, thank you for the encouraging life everyday! Blessings, Karen
Two title suggestions: THE CATHOLIC LIFE. and ALL THINGS CATHOLIC.
The advantage here is that you will also be able to talk about those rare times when it's kinda tough to be Catholic.
Good Luck
Jeaning and Joe from Buffalo
I love the quotes of the day...... they are great thoughts for the day.
joynotes are so uplifting...
There is part of a prayer during Mass that we say something along the lines of: "as we await in joyful anticipation" - WE REALLY NEED TO WORK ON THAT WORD AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!
Title sounds good to me like your ideal of music also
Sister Patricia,
There is something excluding about the title, although, the majority so far seems to think it is okay. It would more universal, open, and inviting if you don't limit it to Catholics. Or is the Radio only for Catholics? I guess it depends on what kind of audience/listners you are intending it for! I almost forgot that Catholic means universal.
I agree with one Anonymous who suggested something like, "Why Do I Want Be Catholic/Christian? or What's So Great About Being Catholic/Christian?"
Dear Sister Patricia, I think it is a good idea to make a radio program about this topic.Greetings Edeltrüd.
Dear Sister, I think the "Purity of being Catholic" or the "Holiness of being Catholic" recalls our identity in how we try to live. As Paul said,
"Offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God." (Romans 12:1). Everything we do with our bodies -- tongue, eyes,
ears, hands, feet, etc. is to be holy, a living sacrifice of praise in action, offered unto God along with Christ as the head, since we are part of his body.
Dear Sister, I think the "Purity of being Catholic" or the "Holiness of being Catholic" recalls our identity in how we try to live. As Paul said,
"Offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God." (Romans 12:1). Everything we do with our bodies -- tongue, eyes,
ears, hands, feet, etc. is to be holy, a living sacrifice of praise in action, offered unto God along with Christ as the head, since we are part of his body.
I do agree with you Sr. Patricia, I like the title of your new radio program "The Joy of Being Catholic", because as for me that's right on the dot. Like your Joy Notes too.
Right on Sister Patricia!!! I like the title, "The Joy of Being Catholic! With so much negative feelings re the Catholic Church floating around these days it is good to see something positive coming our way. Roland Menard
I think the title is a very good one and I pray that God will open our hearts and minds to learn from, appreciate and practice what the programme will reveal.
I like the title The Joy of Being Catholic. It would attract those curious about the Catholic faith as well as those already Catholic. And there is a difference between The Joy of Being Catholic and saying The Joy of Being Christian.
Hi Sister Pat,
You are doing a great job, and i think Joy of being a Catholic is a very good topic. I for one think its time people out there learnt that being a Catholic is a very good thing, it will give a chance to catholics to share on the goodness of God and testify about His mercy. i also dont think its excluding, we need to share the Joy Of being a Catholic with others, maybe they will understand us better and why we are catholics anyway.
Hi Sister Pat,
A more inclusive title for the radio program would be "The Joy of being Christian" or "The Joy of Sharing the Good News." Although I am of another faith denomination, I enjoy reading Joy Notes which I have found inspiring and uplifting. This is the first time I've ever felt the twinge of being excluded.
Yours in Christ, Annette
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