Friday, March 23, 2007
Miracle Monday - March 26, 2007
Blessings of Peace, Love and Joy,
Sister Patricia
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Friendship Friday - Millions of Friends
Quote for the Day: "A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked." -- Bernard Meltzer |
Friendship Friday!
Gosh, I started to think about who I would write about on this Friendship Friday and you know what? I got stumped because at the moment I feel like I have lots of friends. More than I ever dreamed I would have.
First I have the sisters I live with. They are my first and best friends. We laugh, talk, share, giggle, and frown, roll our eyes, get annoyed and get over it. We are really a wonderful community.. we may not be big but we are beautiful! How's that for friendship?
Then of course I have so many friends who read these Joynotes and I think of each of you as my friends as well. Friends are people who share good times and bad and that is what I seem to do day after day with you. Although I am the world's worst when it comes to answering email I do think of each of you as a special gift of God and am grateful we can share with each other.
Won't heaven be wonderful when we can have millions and millions of friends and know each one and love each one uniquely - with no competition or worries if we measure up.. just appreciating each other for being who we are.
On Saturday we begin our retreat - I hope it will be very blessed and that I spend lots of time doing what I should.. and that is listening to God's voice. That's where our first friendship needs to be!
Thank you for your prayers and support - I will be asking God to bless you in a special way each and every day. Back on April 2nd!
Blessings of Peace and Joy,
Sister Patricia
Our book on Reconciliation Our Workbook for Confession
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Going on Retreat soon..... YES!
Music: Moonshadow
Quote for the Day: You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water. Rabindranath Tagore |
Thursday already. This week seems to be going by very, very fast. This Sunday I begin a full weeks retreat at the Monastery. So.... not sure at this point what I will do about the JoyNotes. I definitely do not have permission to do them during the retreat but I was hoping that I could get a few ahead and have them go out automatically but the way life is going faster than I am, I am so not sure on that point.
I will be remembering everyone in prayer and hopefully when the JoyNotes resume on April 2nd I will be renewed, refresheshed and full of the Joy of Jesus! We are all of us looking very forward to this retreat - who knows I may get so peaceful and holy I will begin to levitate or something dramatically holy like that.
You will get a JoyNotes on Friday - but then don't worry if you don't get one next week. I think I will send out a notice each day (an automatic sort of thing) because I know everyone does not look at them everyday and then someone will get worried and email me.. and I won't be answering email so then they will think...? Who knows? So I will at least have an inspirational quote each day to share with you - but probably not a Peace Card. Just going to be lazy, lazy, lazy for a whole week. (God willing that is... sometimes God's ideas of a good retreat are full speed ahead on something... I hope not though.)
Blessings of Peace and Joy,
Sister Patricia
Our book on Reconciliation Our Workbook for Confession
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Feast of Saint Joseph - Miracles of Saint Joseph
Quote for the Day: Saint Teresa said that she could not remember ever asking Saint Joseph for anything that she did not receive. St Teresa of Avila |
Novena to St. Joseph - Ninth Day
O Glorious Saint Joseph
Whose power it is
to render possible
things which are impossible,
come to my aid
in this present
difficulty and distress.
Take this impossible
and difficult affair
which I reccommend to you
under your special care
and protection
that it may have
a happy issue.
O Glorious Saint Joseph,
let it not be said
that I have invoked you in vain.
Since you are so powerful
with Jesus and Mary
show that your goodness
equals your power.
Lent Prayer for the Day
Father, creator
you give the world new life
by your sacraments.
May we, your Church,
grow in your life
and continue to receive
your help on earth.
Grant this through
our Lord Jesus Christ,
your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit,
one God,
for ever and ever. Amen.
Miracle Monday. Hmmm, so what miracle shall I share with you today? Think, think, think. Okay, this is a Saint Joseph miracle. Quite a few years ago when I was first learning to play the organ, we had an old, old organ without a full pedal board. I really wanted to have a full pedal organ but I didn't see anyway to get it except for prayer.
So I started praying the above prayer, every day, and all through the day. One day something was wrong with our organ and I needed to call in a repair person to fix it. While the technician was working on the organ we started talking and I shared how I really wanted a full pedal board organ. He said he had a used one that he was repairing and fixing up and offered to sell it to me at a very low and reasonable price.
Not only that but at the time MIDI was coming out (this is a special set up on musical instruments that allow you to attach extra sounds with any instrument and/or computer). This guy who by now was rapidly becoming a friend.. said he could put MIDI on it for very little extra and he even had a Sound box of hundreds of sounds that he would throw in the deal for free!
I was super excited and when I shared this information with the Sisters they said I could buy it!
I was so excited I could hardly sleep that night. The next morning when I woke up, still very excited I composed this little song to Saint Joseph. It's just a simple little song that I sang over and over for days and days while my new organ was being fixed up with MIDI.
I don't have music to it.. I just sang it very simply,.... over and over and over. I still do... I have lots of confidence in Saint Joseph and have received lots of other miracles from him as well.
Oh Boy! Oh Joy!
O Wonder of Wonders!
O Miracle of Miracles!
Saint Joseph has heard my plea for help
and come to rescue me.....
repeat fifty million times.
Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
Do you have any miracle stories of answered prayer from Saint Joseph? Please share on the Blog.
Our book on Reconciliation Our Workbook for Confession
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Friendship Friday - Twentyfirst Century Friends
Music: Be Thou My Vision
Quote for the Day: "Those who live in the Lord never see each other for the last time." Unknown |
Novena to St. Joseph - Sixth Day
O Glorious Saint Joseph
Whose power it is
to render possible
things which are impossible,
come to my aid
in this present
difficulty and distress.
Take this impossible
and difficult affair
which I reccommend to you
under your special care
and protection
that it may have
a happy issue.
O Glorious Saint Joseph,
let it not be said
that I have invoked you in vain.
Since you are so powerful
with Jesus and Mary
show that your goodness
equals your power.
Lent Prayer for the Day
Dear Jesus
today we give to you
all the family and friends
we most care about
and are most worried about.
We give them to you
because our Love
is only a shadow
of the Love
you have for them.
In your hands
we know the absolute
best will be done.
We give thanks to you
through your Son,
Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns
with you and
the Holy Spirit,
one God,
for ever and ever.
Friendship Friday. Today (Thursday) was a day for me to share friendship on the phone. Isn't it wonderful how far we can expand our friendships today? Each Thursday I meet with a small group of people as a subgroup of Robert Middleton's Action group. It is sort of a shared focus group - though each of us are persuing very different marketing paths. I'm marketing Jesus and the Catholic Church - they are marketing different things.. but it never fails that we come up with great insights and help for one another.
The internet has brought and continues to bring all mankind closer together in many ways. . . some of our contacts we will probably never meet in person until heaven - but you know what? That's kind of like our contact with the saints and souls who have gone before us. We may not see or touch them but we can certainly converse and share. For instance I don't think a day goes by that I don't have a talk with Sr. Mary Rita or one of my family members that has gone to heaven.
When I was in high school we had to make an anthology of or favorite poems.... a couple lines from one of my favorite poems went something like this.. "death is only a door in an old wall." Since I have lost so many family members I feel that door is used quite a bit but still I have no sense at all of it being a solidly closed door. I think it swings back and forth quite abit - because love knows no barriers....
Hope you have a wonderful Friendship Friday and will share some thoughts and glimpses of friends that have touched and continue to touch your life - on the blog.
Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
Our book on Reconciliation Our Workbook for Confession
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Blurry Blurred Day
Music: Be Thou My Vision (good song for blurry eyes)
Quote for the Day: Troubles are often the tools by which God fashions us for better things. - Henry Ward Beecher |
Novena to St. Joseph - Fifth Day
O Glorious Saint Joseph
Whose power it is
to render possible
things which are impossible,
come to my aid
in this present
difficulty and distress.
Take this impossible
and difficult affair
which I reccommend to you
under your special care
and protection
that it may have
a happy issue.
O Glorious Saint Joseph,
let it not be said
that I have invoked you in vain.
Since you are so powerful
with Jesus and Mary
show that your goodness
equals your power.
I went to the eye doctor today to get my eyes checked. They put those little drops in so they can see things in my eye better and I can see worse. I think the JoyNotes will be brief today.. because things are blurry. My mind often feels blurred but when the eyes join in best to throw in the towel for the day.
Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
To add a comment Blog On JoyNotes
Our book on Reconciliation Our Workbook for Confession
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
St Joseph - How to fold underwear
Quote for the Day: A good plan implemented today is better than a perfect plan implemented tomorrow. - George S. Patton |
Novena to St. Joseph - Third Day
O Glorious Saint Joseph
Whose power it is
to render possible
things which are impossible,
come to my aid
in this present
difficulty and distress.
Take this impossible
and difficult affair
which I reccommend to you
under your special care
and protection
that it may have
a happy issue.
O Glorious Saint Joseph,
let it not be said
that I have invoked you in vain.
Since you are so powerful
with Jesus and Mary
show that your goodness
equals your power.
Now this is going to sound very weird - but last week I told a story on Friendship Friday on how a group of lovely Christian ladies came to visit me when I was in the hospital and one told me how to fold my underwear in such a neat way.
Well, I was going to leave it at that, but then another nice lady emailed me and said, "And how do you fold your underwear? Aren't you going to tell us?"
So, I never really thought I would be giving lessons on underwear folding - but really it is a very neat way - and especially a great thing to do on days when you have tons of stuff to do and don't know which very important job is more important than another.
On those days take a few minutes off and go fold your underwear - at least you get a feeling of accomplishment. Something got done!
Well, basically you fold your underwear like socks..... you lay the underwear out flat, fold one side a third over and the other side a third over and then you tuck the bottom into the top of the waist band. Like you do socks!
Viola! You have a neat little package. I don't know if you can follow my written instructions or not - hmmmm, I suppose I could always do a tutorial on YouTube like my Oprah movie. But I think probably not!
Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
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Our book on Reconciliation Our Workbook for Confession
Monday, March 12, 2007
Too Tired to Think
To send this card: In touch with EternityQuote for the Day:
A good plan implemented today is better than a perfect plan implemented tomorrow.
- George S. Patton
Novena to St. Joseph - Third Day
O Glorious Saint Joseph
Whose power it is
to render possible
things which are impossible,
come to my aid
in this present
difficulty and distress.
Take this impossible
and difficult affair
which I reccommend to you
under your special care
and protection
that it may have
a happy issue.
O Glorious Saint Joseph,
let it not be said
that I have invoked you in vain.
Since you are so powerful
with Jesus and Mary
show that your goodness
equals your power.
Last night I stayed up way too late. And tonight for some reason I am tired. Hmmm? Maybe there is a correlation here.
If I wasn't so tired I could probably think what it is.
Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
Miracle Monday - Angelic Rescue
Novena to St. Joseph - Second Day
O Glorious Saint Joseph
Whose power it isto render possible
things which are impossible,
come to my aid
in this present
difficulty and distress.
Take this impossible
and difficult affair
which I reccommend to you
under your special care
and protection
that it may have
a happy issue.
O Glorious Saint Joseph,
let it not be said
that I have
invoked you in vain.
Since you are so powerful
with Jesus and Mary
show that your goodness
equals your power.
Miracle Monday! If you haven't had a chance to read the Pet Miracles that people sent in last week.. be sure to take a look. I love them! Each one is a real joy and pick me up! Monday Pet Miracles
Today's Monday Miracle Topic is "Angelic Rescue."
This could be any sharing in which you feel an angel may have played a role. You don't have to prove it to anyone but if you believe that an Angel was involved... I bet there was!
I am sure that I don't have even a slightest idea of how many times Angels have helped me but there was one time when I was about seventeen that I am very sure an angel was there.
At the time I was living at home and we had a long dirt road to get to our home - probably about the length of two or three city blocks. My older brother John was moving his house trailer temporarily to our acreage. It was a big trailer and so he had a big truck to pull it. I was doing one of those stupid things one always tells kids not to do, but of course I was seventeen and not a kid. I was so excited about this trailer move, that I was standing up on the back bumper of the truck pulling the trailer. There was proably about six feet between me and the huge two bedroom house trailer that was being hauled. I was doing great until the truck hit a bump and I was bounced off the truck! Somehow in the blink of an eye I managed to jump back up on the bumper before the trailer ran over me.
Now you might just call this an adrenlin rush and panic but at the same time I scrambled back on - I was filled with this amazing sense that this was not my time yet! I felt that my angel helped me to get back on that narrow little bumper and continue my ride to safety. My poor dad was watching at the time and I think he probably had heart failure and sent his angel to help me as well!
Please share your miracle stories too!
Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Friday is Friendship Day
Quote for the Day: "Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up." - Bible: Ecclesiastes |
Prayer for 17th Dayof Our Lenten JourneyWhat would it be liketo walk with you, Jesus along a quiet path?I wonder what we wouldtalk about?I wonder what it wouldbe like?You who live and reignwith the Holy Spirit,one God,for ever and ever.Amen.
Well I have to tell you I have decided to try something a little bit different with the JoyNotes. Because I so often have a difficult time thinking of what to talk about and end up talking about the same old things over and over... like how long is it till its time for bed and interesting topics like that - I read about a lady who writes every day but she has a different topic for each day. Well, I'm not going to do every day that way... but I thought I would do Miracles on Monday and Friendship on Friday.
I will try and share a story of friendship from my little collection but also ask you to please send your stories of friendship on the Blog as well.
This way we will have at least two cheerful selections of things to read - Miracles and Friendship... a great way to start and end the week!
My story today is about attending the second class of the Radio Publicity course. It was so much fun and people were open and responsive to each other so that it was very encouraging. Considering we are coming from all different spectrums of faith and practice and life styles it was interesting to see how everyone was sensitive and caring for each one's growth...whether is was a nun or a new age person or a man from the Royal Mounted police.
Friendship I think grows whenever we give it just the least bit of encouragement. Good, solid friendships take a long time to mature and develop but God is good to give us friends that help us sometimes just for a short time in our lives.
When I was in the Navy I was in sort of a not so good time in that I was being sent from Germany to the United States for a bit of drug rehabilitation. It wasn't one of those personal choice things don't you know - when the Navy decides you need a little "help" its not offered as a suggestion. Anyway, so I was assigned to a few days in a hospital ward until my special ride arrived to take me to the airport. While there one morning a group of christian ladies came to visit me. They were so nice I don't quite remember much what they said but what I do remember is that one taught me a very special way to fold my underwear!
Sounds silly but it was such a neat little way of folding them together and tucking them in so that they made a cute little package. I still use that method today sometimes and the sisters are very impressed with how neat my underwear can be. Which is very funny because the Navy has its own little rules and regulations of how to FOLD everything you wear but they didn't have this neat package way like this one lady showed me.And you know, I love that lady for showing me something nice like that.. not talking about religion or this or that but just being warm and friendly.
That is how Christ works in friendship I think. Maybe its something that only happens for the briefest of moments but it creates a warm spot in our hearts for a lifetime.
Please share a "friendship" story that you have!
Blessings of Peace and All Good,Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Difficult day - New Radio Program Coming
Quote for the Day: Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. Dale Carnegie |
Prayer for 16th Day of Our Lenten Journey
How often Jesus,
do I try to make things
so much more difficult
than they need to be.
For instance,
it is not hard
to find you . . .
all I really need to do
is slow down and look
at a Sunset
or a bird fly
or feel the wind blow.
All of your creation
speaks of you,
You who live and reign
with the Holy Spirit,
one God,
for ever and ever.
Today was a very difficult day.. and I think the above prayer is another great fit! I definitely felt the difficulty was all coming from the inside but I still couldn't seem to plow through it. Puff, puff, puff.
But hey, other than that little problem, I do have something else to ask your opinion on. I am going to start a new radio program soon... and I would like your feedback as to what you think about the title.
The Joy of Being Catholic
Myself, I like it because I can interview all sorts of people with a title like that. When my program was called, "The Power of Prayer" I always felt it wasn't staying focused on the "prayer" aspect a lot of the times... and really so much of our prayer life (at least mine) is the kind of daily, step by step stuff that doesn't come across all that exciting. It's nice and it keeps me going but how does one describe it week after week?
Anyway with this program I can cover anything from a nice Catholic prayer, a saint, a poem, any catholic in any walk of life doing big things or little and enjoying being catholic through it all. I can include Catholic music, whatever.
I plan to also put it out each week as an audio download so you can hear it as well if you like. If you have any suggestions what would be great for this new and exciting radio program please add a comment in the BLOG!
Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
Our book on Reconciliation Our Workbook for Confession
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Quote, Prayer and Radio 30 Day Class
Music: Be Still
Quote for the Day: The only thing to do with good advice is pass it on. It is never any use to oneself. Oscar Wilde |
First about the quote. I had to use that one. It was just too funny and probably just too true.
Just in case you don't look at the Peace Card - I thought I would copy the prayer for today. It is one I composed several years ago...but seems to be just what I need today!
Truly Lord Jesus,
I believe you are showing
me the way to life,
I just wish it was
a bit easier!
But I guess that would
not be the true path.
Help me to be
and Courageous
in following You,
no matter how difficult
the path appears to be.
You who live and reign
with the Holy Spirit,
one God,
for ever and ever.
Today was the first day of attending the Teleclass of the 30 Day Radio Success course. How shall I describe it? Hmmm? Shall we say interesting? The content of the material was very good and most of the participants were okay ..but a few of them were like, uh…. well, just a bit too much.
I can say that I definitely got confirmed that God was very good to me to let me live in a Monastery – away from most of this. I am a little spoiled, a lot sheltered and very glad to have such nice, pleasant, God-centered sisters to live with.
On the other hand, it is good to be reminded of how much prayer is needed in our world and even how much witness is needed as well. My main prayer in all this… I repeat it over and over from St. Paul. “Please pray to God, that I might speak as boldly as I ought!”
Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
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Our book on Reconciliation Our Workbook for Confession
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Miracle Monday - My Miracle with a Pet
Music: Lord Jesus, When I think of Thee
Quote for the Day: I am realistic -- I expect miracles. Wayne Dyer |
Miracle Monday! Some of you may remember a time or two when I talked about Miracle Monday. Just a day to look about for miracles and be expectant for them to happen. Well today while I was washing the dishes (always my best time for meditation) the thought came to me to make every Monday - Miracle Monday - in which I will share with you some miracle that has happened.
Of course I will need you to share those miracles with me so I can share them with everyone else! What I would like to do is each week pick a Miracle Topic and ask you to think and share if any miracle that has happened comes to you on that topic.
You can share them on the Blog below or in an email Miracle Monday Note: If you put them on the blog them everyone can share them.. because I can only share one or two from the email.
So here is the topic to share a miracle on!
Please put that in the subject line if you send an email and in the comment section of Monday, March 5, 2007 blog spot.
I will share my miracle with a pet to get the Miracle Monday started! It is a miracle that I have shared before but it has been a long time so probably a lot of you have not heard it. Anyway a good miracle story is always worth repeating!
When I was in grade school we were quite poor and pretty much lived from paycheck to paycheck. Sometimes the paycheck didn't quite stretch that far. One morning we had cereal for breakfast but no milk. Our dog JoJo who was a very wonderful dog had been out and about that morning and when he returned he had in his mouth a full half gallon carton of milk!
We had no idea where it came from and he was not the kind of dog that normally went about carrying things in his mouth like some dogs do as a natural thing. JoJo had never brought anything home before or did after that. But on that one morning when we had no milk.... JoJo provided!
We all thought it was a miracle at the time and still do! Of course no doubt someone probably missed their half gallon of milk from the milkman that morning.... but I guess God thought it was nice of them to share with a family of seven kids that morning. No doubt God blessed them too.
Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
Thursday, March 01, 2007
A Gift we give ourselves
Quote for the Day: The only way to peace is forgiveness Pope John Paul |
Tonight instead of the news we watched Oprah! It was really good and we all enjoyed it. It was about different stories of people who have moved on past hard things that happened to them. I got one very beautiful quote from it that I really love.
"Forgiveness is something that we give ourselves." Isn't that beautiful? Though I think perhaps I would take it a step beyond that... Forgiveness is something that God offers to us - and He also offers us the gift to be able to forgive. I don't think it is something that we can do on our own. Because forgiving someone is really bigger than we are.. we first have to let God's gift of forgiveness dwell in our heart - and then we can forgive someone else.
And that is when in giving to another we are gifting ourselves. Because the minute we can forgive.... we find peace.
A few days ago I read in a lenten meditation about a priest who was trying to help a woman who was very bitter after her divorce.... she was not yet at a point where she could forgive her husband. Her anger against the divorce was destroying her. Not the divorce, not her husband.. but the anger that she fed like a hungry fire in a forest. She could not forgive and the priest said her whole face was contorted in an ugly passion of hatred. Isn't that so sad?
I can see moments when I have done that to myself as well. Forgiveness is truly something that we give ourselves. In order to love and move forward... we gift ourselves with forgiveness. The gift that God commands us to give. The command that is necessary to do if we want to receive His Forgiveness.
And maybe the first person to gift with this gift of forgiveness .... is ourselves.
Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters