Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I Think I found it!

Quote for the Day:

Do not be afraid to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal any unforgiveness or bitterness. The longer you hide it, the stronger it will become and the harder your heart will grow. Stay tenderhearted.
John Bevere

Today was one of those days where I seem to wander all over the page but in the end I actually think I accomplished something. Isn't it funny how that happens. You see I was trying to think my way through something.. and the more I thought the less I could do. Then finally I broke through. At least I hope I did.

What I was trying to do was to think about a "hook" that I could use for giving a radio presentation - a "hook" is sort of headline topic that would appeal to a large audience and still have a connection with Reconciliation.

It was very hard. Because fact is, there are a whole lot of people who are not very interested in going to confession. Telling people that this book would make them love Confession would be about as popular as telling someone they would love to have their leg cut off because they would weigh less.

They probably wouldn't buy it. So... what to do.. what to do. I've been praying and thinking about this for some time and I think I have it! I will tell you the "hook" tonight and see what you think. Does it make you interested?

"Your Worst Enemy May Help You to Succeed."

If you have a chance - please respond on the Blog - I would like to know if you think this would make you want to listen or read more.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters


Anonymous said...

Am intrigued to know how you would tie that into reconciliation, for sure. What comes to my mind is something from Alcoholics Anonymous to the effect of "You're only as sick as your darkest secret" ...not an exact quote, I don't think, but something to that effect.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Your Worst Enemy May Help You to Succeed."
Hmmmm. This does indeed peak my interest but at the same time it sounds like a speal a salesman might use to promote his wares.You are doing an excellant job with your daily newsletter Patricia. I really enjoy reading your daily news. Keep up the good work.

Jean Heimann said...

It is very intriguing and would entice me to want to hear more about it.


Anonymous said...

Yes, it's perfect Sister Patricia and especially throughout Lent! I have learnt more through this kind of adversity in the practice of my Catholic faith in that sometimes when you feel you are drawing closer and closer to Our Loving Lord it happens that someone definitely does personal harm or causes such anguish of spirit that you feel you are being separated from God's love but guess what? That's when the miracles really begin to happen. As St Francis of Assisi said, "Our friends, then, are all those who unjustly afflict upon us, sorrows and torments, martyrdom and death; we must love them greatly for we will possess eternal life because of what they bring upon us". Lent truly is a special time especially when I share with this season with you. With love, Margaret from Australia.

Anonymous said...

Sister I think the title is right and attracts attention. Many people would have gone through the experience of suffering harm from others. And it is true that this adversity helps us to succeed. Forgiveness comes gradually and with much prayer. But if we offer our weakness and emptiness of heart to Jesus He will fill it and we may succeed in forgiving others and ourselves as well. I know this from experience. God bless you and thank you for your wonderful mission.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I think it's too wordy...it's not making me want to read more.

Anonymous said...

interesting... how about "your worst Fear may help you succeed" since so many of us are afraid of confession.

Anonymous said...

Very intriguing title and would love to see where you are heading with it!!
An excellent "hook"!!!
Looks like the Holy Spirit strikes again :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sister, Thanks for having time to do all you're dong for God, enriching His people through your articles. May the good Lord and His mother Mary continue to be with you. My comment is please at this season of lent can you add daily prayers to the articles?

Anonymous said...

Sr. Pat:

You have my interest. Looking forward to what the Hook is tomorrow.
Keep up all you do Sr., sometimes it takes time and patience, before people become aware how wonderful it is to go to Confession.
Years ago, as I was growing up, I dreaded going, so strict, scarey, and down right feeling guilty all over again. I eventually went back to confession and witness myself how wonderful it is, and how great you feel inside and out.

God Bless Rosemary

Unknown said...

I like it, I agree that it catches your attention! I think my worst enemy is really myself: my envy of others, short temper, temptations of life,etc. Thanks, Sister Patricia, great work! :)

Anonymous said...

Not sure you are hitting the mark...most people don't think they have enemies... and it's more confusing and cryptic than it needs to be.
I think that if you focus more on the freedom that comes from Reconciliation... that it would attract more people

Anonymous said...

Maybe its just too early in the morning, and when I read it, I just don't see how it relates to confession..
Please remember our 2nd grade CCD class this week , as they will be making their first Penance on Thursday night. A few of the kids asked me if they are sick on Thursday what will happen? They are already planning on how not to go!
Fear of the unknown already:o)
Thank you for your inspiring newletter. God Bless

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your humor that keeps us sane. I like your title, because it's true. Someone thought it was too long? How about, THE NEW YOU....or OUT WITH THE OLD....OR...WHAT EVERYONE NEEDS....OR ....DOES IT REALLY SHOW ON ME? OR... A STEP UP. Thanks for asking. God bless~

Anonymous said...

"Your Worst Enemy May Help You Succeed"....


Excellent topic. I am in the process of experiencing this.

Long story short.
A neighbor, my best friend's sister, lodged false accusations against me resulting in job loss, financial hardship, spousal estrangement, and defamation of character.
Three months later, I am blessing her because of the turn my life is taking.
A long time ago my father told me to pray for my enemies.
He was right.

Keep up your good work.

Sydney C. St. Clair

Anonymous said...

I'm so impressed with all the great work you do, and I look forward to your daily comments. Often surprising, funny, uplifting--one never knows what to expect! You're super!

As for your title, though, I didn't feel it was right on the mark. I agree with the person who suggested maybe something more along the lines of "your weakness can help you succeed," because, "enemy?" Who is the enemy here--oneself? Or confession? Confession can't be an enemy,it's a sacrament... It sounds kind of negative and cryptic. Hmmm... I also liked the thought about focusing on the freedom that comes through this sacrament. Sorry not to be more helpful but anyway that's my 2 cents! God bless you Sr. Patricia, you're an inspiration always!

Anonymous said...

I like it.....I also thought of another-----Your worst enemy might save your life! Meaning that we get redemption from going to confession and saving our soul.

Anonymous said...

Your "hook" should have something to do with the topic. If you want the reader to know it has something to do with reconciliation, then I believe that should be part of your line. The hook line you developed would lead me to believe I was going to hear something about an enemy (person)and turning that relationship around when, in fact, it has nothing to do with that. Thank you for the opportunity to comment.

Micki said...

You are right that most people might not be interested in confession...but only because they fear it and are unfamiliar with what to confess to. Too many feel they don't "sin.". The hook should not be afraid of using the word confession...I think many would be attracted BECAUSE of their fear.

Anonymous said...

I associate this hook with forgiveness--how to forgive others or oneself. It doesn't hook me into reconciliation/confession, however.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for tonight to find out "the hook"

scarbary said...

Your Worst Enemy sure got my attention. I can't wait to hear more. Keep up the good work. scarbary

Marylin said...

Thank you, Sister Patricia, I hope you don't mind that I use your 'grabber' line with the adult Confirmation class I'm doing on the Sacrament of Reconciliation!!

I will also recommend your website and your books. The workbook is wonderful!!

Anonymous said...

Sister, I too think "Your Worst Fear May Help You Succeed" is a better idea. It would draw my interest to read further. Your mission is in my prayers. Thank you for all you do.

Anonymous said...

"Your worst enemy may help you to succeed" I am not sure I would trust "my worst enemy".... It is probably overused, but I'd be more intrigued if someone offered me a foolproof road to peace- LOVE- and if I could understand the sacrament as His Love for me- like Peter grabbing his hand on the sea when he was sinking... just a thought- I love your daily cards. God bless you !

Anonymous said...

Your Worst Enemy May Help You to Succeed."
Hmm -- very catchy and to me has a certain element of truth. But in reality, when there is so much hurt and pain (caused by an adult child toward his own mother and me being that mother) as much as you are ready, willing and able to forgive, can there be forgiveness when there is no repentence or accountability on the part of the child?

shirleybobek said...

I didn't have an angel experience but my daughter did. Back when she was 3 years old I was expecting our second baby. My daughter, Jennifer, was so excited about having a new brother or sister. Unfortunately I was having a bad pregnancy and that Christmas morning in the hospital I lost our baby. We did not tell Jennifer about it until I got home and after we finally had our christmas. Jennifer was very sad and was taking it very hard. Then one morning she woke up all happy. She told me that her brother visit her last night. She told me he is an angel now since he lives with God. She told me that he said he was very sick and had to go live with him. But he told her to tell me that he is all better now and happy and for me not to cry anymore. Of course hearing this story I did cry. Since that day Jennifer was no longer sad about the loss of her brother and I tried very hard not to be sad either. That angel was such a wonderful gift for the both of us and till this day I am very grateful.