Monday, May 01, 2006

Seas and Ponds - Water Stories

Today's Card

Music: Music Box

Quote:When some say they want to serve God, they mean in an advisory capacity.


Tomorrow at long last our pond and waterfall will be turned back on.Hurray and Alleluia! I can't wait. It will be exciting to put the fish into their new home as well. They don't know to be excited yet but I am sure they will be very happy!

It kind of reminds me how God oftentimes has wonderful things in store for us but we are not capable of understanding them until they happen. I think just as I try to make things as nice as possible for the fish and all our pets and animal and bird friends inside and out so God is tenderly concerned for each of his creatures a hundred million times more so. That helps me to feel like Julian of Norwich stated. "And all will be well, and all will be well, and in all things, All will be well."

Did I share with you that my brother Peter is back at sea? He is with NOA on a Bering Sea-Ice Edge Expedition. If you go to this page Bering Sea-Ice Edge Expedition and scroll down to April 23, 2006--NOAAS Freeman - you can see him - his name is Peter. So now I have one brother Roy down in the Carribean and one brother in the Bearing Sea. That's kind of neat. Myself, I'm just as glad to be on dry land with a little fish pond.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,

Sister Patricia and all the Sisters


Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"Rejoice in home, be patient under trial, persevere in prayer."
Rom 12:12

How frequently Scripture reminds me that I should pray always, pray without ceasing, persevere in prayer.

Quite obviously I cannot spend all my time in concentrated prayer, nor does God want that kind of prayer only. Prayer is my relationship with God. When I "rejoice in hope" I am praying, because it proves that my faith is sufficiently vibrant to trust and love God. When I accept God's will and am "patient under trial" I am also praying.

This kind of lifestyle means that I am persevering in prayer.


Kristen said...

Hi Sister Pat,
I just wanted to share a couple of things with your readers regarding pets. One is the link about St Francis and Pets at

As you scroll down the page there is a place for readers to leave posts about how their pet is a sign of God's love. I recently posted about our rescue dog Charlie. Here is a link to that page:

Charlie, as I write in the story, is a sign of God's love in our lives. His gentle, but playful nature has made the hard times easier to bear and the good times all the more enjoyable. I will never regret the day my husband brought us (myself and our beagle, Gilligan) to the pet store to meet Charlie.

And thanks to St Francis, whose medal both our dogs wear on their collars, a recent injury Charlie had was less severe than it could have been!

It is so wonderful that God gave us domain over the animals so that we can take care of them!

Peace and Lots of Love,

Marion Irene said...

Sister Pat,
I don't remember how i first came accross your web site but recently have been checking in and find it full of resources. It is lovely to read your messages which make everything seem so simple and real, how refreshing! I'd not thought of St.Francis' love of animals for a while, focused more on the povery
side, the giving up of worldly things and of self.
I just read your Joy note for May 3rd St Phillip's day and sent my son Phillip a Joy card!
Then I commented about animals and read the other peoples notes. Funny how the internet forms connections all accross the world. i am currently down in the Cayman islands, must be near your brother!
Your comments about writing were especially significant to me since I am writing a book right now called Mary and Martha Moments and I was just asking myself why and who for.... so today I get back to it with a greater sence of purpose and know it is what I'm meant to do right now.
It really is a wonderful day today!
May you be showered with rose petal blessings from St T,

Marion Irene said...

Sister Pat,
I don't remember how i first came accross your web site but recently have been checking in and find it full of resources. It is lovely to read your messages which make everything seem so simple and real, how refreshing! I'd not thought of St.Francis' love of animals for a while, focused more on the povery
side, the giving up of worldly things and of self.
I just read your Joy note for May 3rd St Phillip's day and sent my son Phillip a Joy card!
Then I commented about animals and read the other peoples notes. Funny how the internet forms connections all accross the world.
Your comments about writing were especially significant to me since I am writing a book right now called Mary and Martha Moments and I was just asking myself why and who for.... so today I get back to it with a greater sence of purpose and know it is what I'm meant to do right now.
It really is a wonderful day today!
May you be showered with rose petal blessings from St T,