Sunday, May 07, 2006

Poor Clares and Wet Dogs

To send this card: Saint Victor Maurus

Music: Take my Breath Away

Quote:I cannot pray in the name of Jesus to have my own will; the name of Jesus is not a signature of no importance, but the decisive factor. The fact that the name of Jesus comes at the beginning does not make it a prayer in the name of Jesus; but this means to pray in such a manner that I dare name Jesus in it, that is to say, dare to think of Him, think His holy will together with whatever I am praying for.

Soren Kierkegaard

This week I am offering the first in a series teleclasses for building web content for some of our Poor Clare houses. I think it will be a fun project. It will be exciting as we share things from one community to another. Although we are each living the same rule of Saint Clare - it is lived out in actuality in different ways. I liken it often, to how a family will raise all their children the same way, but when they go to start their own homes - although they always have a common root and bond each new family will adapt and change things to best suit them.

This evening I was talking to Sister Angela in Texas. Even though we have never met we had a wonderful time discussing different things. In her monastery they raise minature horses to support themselves. That is so cool. If you think having a radio station in a monastery is different how about raising horses? You see how God works? No two alike. God fills us with his same Holy Spirit but the results are never the same from one soul to another. I think that is neat.

Together our communities will be building a major Poor Clare site. It is so, so exciting. Hopefully it will be online by winter of this year. It will of course probably be the best site in the whole wide world. At least to us!

Oh, and Sister Angela not only has little ponies they have three dogs! Two are labradors and they like to be in the water at every opportunity. Which reminds me that I have to tell you over the weekend our Shelley had her labrador friend over, Maggie. Maggie has been here before, but not when we had water in our pool. Hmmm... So what do you think happens when a Labrador sees a nice pool of water? Yes, she made quite a splash. Sister Rita Louise said to me later, "Oh poor Maggie fell into the pool." I said, "I don't think she fell in, I think she jumped in." Unfortunately I wasn't there to see it. Such a pity. That would have been funny. Good thing I had not put the fish in yet, I don't think they would have been pleased with such a guest.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,

Sister Patricia and all the Sisters


Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"My Lord, our king, you alone are God. Help me, who am alone and have no help but you."
Est 4C:14

Esther's prayer is a perfect model for my prayer. Esther recognized the greatness and Lordship of God. Her first concern was for his glory.

Her second concern was more comprehensive: she was praying for her people.

Esther realized her own poverty, her own human weakness. She prayed with great confidence and trust in the Lord.

Thank you, Lord, for showing me the way to prayer through your faithful servant Esther.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Birds and Fish and Prayer

To send this card:Cinco de Mayo

Music: Mexican Schuffle

Quote:Trust the past to God's mercy, the present to God's love and the future to God's providence.


It is finally nice enough that we are able to have evening prayer outside. It is wonderful to hear the birds chatter and watch them fly about and the clouds sail. Just before we started to pray a medical helipcopter went overhead. Very low. We prayed three Hail Mary's for whoever was in trouble. We've always felt it was God nudging us to pray for them and once we even heard from one of the pilot's that they do go over our monastery on purpose just to have us pray.

Tomorrow I am hoping and hoping that our waterfall will actually get going again. A man is supposed to come in the morning and do that and also put a net over the pond so that I can put the fish in it. They will be so happy! But I don't want them to go in until the net is up because I'm not providing fish dinner for any birds no matter how nice they are!

Blessings of Peace and All Good,

Sister Patricia and all the Sisters


Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"I give you my assurance, whatever you ask the Father, he will give you in my name."
Jn 16:23

What does Jesus mean when he tells me to ask in his name? Surely he does not mean simply adding his name to my petition and my prayer.

Jesus wants me to have the same disposition, the same mentality, the same attitudes which were his when he came to prayer.

His attitude was total, loving, generous submission to the Father's will.

What greater example have I than his complete resignation to the Father's will at possibly the most crucial moment of live on earth: "Father, if it is your will, take this cup from me; yet not my will but yours be done" (Lk 22:42)

Monday, May 01, 2006

Seas and Ponds - Water Stories

Today's Card

Music: Music Box

Quote:When some say they want to serve God, they mean in an advisory capacity.


Tomorrow at long last our pond and waterfall will be turned back on.Hurray and Alleluia! I can't wait. It will be exciting to put the fish into their new home as well. They don't know to be excited yet but I am sure they will be very happy!

It kind of reminds me how God oftentimes has wonderful things in store for us but we are not capable of understanding them until they happen. I think just as I try to make things as nice as possible for the fish and all our pets and animal and bird friends inside and out so God is tenderly concerned for each of his creatures a hundred million times more so. That helps me to feel like Julian of Norwich stated. "And all will be well, and all will be well, and in all things, All will be well."

Did I share with you that my brother Peter is back at sea? He is with NOA on a Bering Sea-Ice Edge Expedition. If you go to this page Bering Sea-Ice Edge Expedition and scroll down to April 23, 2006--NOAAS Freeman - you can see him - his name is Peter. So now I have one brother Roy down in the Carribean and one brother in the Bearing Sea. That's kind of neat. Myself, I'm just as glad to be on dry land with a little fish pond.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,

Sister Patricia and all the Sisters


Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"Rejoice in home, be patient under trial, persevere in prayer."
Rom 12:12

How frequently Scripture reminds me that I should pray always, pray without ceasing, persevere in prayer.

Quite obviously I cannot spend all my time in concentrated prayer, nor does God want that kind of prayer only. Prayer is my relationship with God. When I "rejoice in hope" I am praying, because it proves that my faith is sufficiently vibrant to trust and love God. When I accept God's will and am "patient under trial" I am also praying.

This kind of lifestyle means that I am persevering in prayer.